Saturday, February 13, 2010

-->a good experinces

Last Thursday, we went to Brgy. Hondagua Lopez, Quezon to observe the final demonstration of the interns. We ride in the Jeep together with some faculty members at exactly 8:00 am. After a long long and dusty travel, we finally embark in Brgy. Hondagua. When we are there, the intern guide us to the principal office. Sir Rodante Avila grouped us into four groups and Iam group 2 with Katherine Avila, May Ann Catipon and others. We sent in Group 1 and we met Ms. Eleanor, the intern as well as her cooperating teacher Mrs. Bataw. They welcome us with a smile in their lips and they rendered some chairs to us while waiting for prof. Escleto. When Ma'am Escleto arrived in the room, the final demonstration was started. As what I observed to Ms. Eleanor, she is very good in terms of teaching. She can manage or organize the classroom, her patient and to maintain the interest of her pupils. She delivered her lesson plan very well. After the observation, I learned some techniques on how to delivered a lesson plan. After the demonstration of Ms. Eleanor, Ma'am Escleto asked us to follow her to the next intern. As what I observed, she is not good on how to deliver her lesson plan and to manage the class. She is not smiling or even to recognize the answer of her pupils. Also she is not motivate the other pupils to answer and to cooperate and her visual aids is not attractive. And one thing that surprise me is when one of her visual materials posted in the blackboard, she erased some unnecessary words in front of her pupils and as a teacher we should checked our visual materials before posting in the class. I think it is one factor to diminish her points. After a long observation in Hondagua, we are very hungry and we are look a fast food chain to eat before the departure. That experiences is memorable to me because I learned some new techniques and tips how to manage, organize and deliver my lesson plan. Thanks for the professors for exposing us on that event and of course the interns, they guide us and our inspirations.

Monday, February 8, 2010

-->ala lan!

-'destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice.


Last week, I observed more than 4 hours. As usuall, my cooperating teacher teach her pupils about the tongue twister and of course, her energetic pupils was love to recite the tongue twister words. Her lesson was moving forward and she trying to impart to the mind of her pupils the values of his lesson as well as the knowledge. Then last Friday, this is an expected day because my group mates and I clean and redecorate the office of the principal instead of observing. Because that school will going to have a coronation night this coming Saturday.

Friday, January 29, 2010


My first observation in Don Mateo Elementary School was last Tuesday. When we got there in elementary school, we engage in a conversation with the principal. We talk about a lot of things. After that, he distributed us in our respective rooms. When I came in my room, the pupils greet me and I greet them also. As what I observed, the teacher was busy in giving a set of acronym like BFAD, DOJ, DepEd and DOLE and the pupils follow the instruction of the teacher. Also, some of her pupils especially the boys didn't like to follow her instruction instead they are talking with their co-classmates. I was sitting on the back watching my cooperating teacher how she manage her class. She is so strict and she has a hoarse voice but she is a good teacher. Time pass by, the pupils was so excited to go home because I think their are very hungry. Anyway, my second observation was last Thursday, this day I am not assigned in Grade V instead I transfer in pre-elementary because the teacher ask me if I can handle her pupils because she will attend a meeting in municipal office and I said "OK po". I gave them an activity which is related in their topics. It is very difficult to handle the pre-elementary pupils than Grade V pupils. They are not listening to my instruction and I am getting angry to them. But I am not short-tempered person so I letting them on what they want to do if they finish first the activity that I gave. After a long interaction with the pupils, I release them at 11:00 o'clock.

Monday, January 25, 2010

-->reAsoN q po!

It was last Thursday morning and we have no class to attend after the English class, one of my group mates ask me if we conduct observation today and i said i don't know, ask the leader... and the reason why we failed to conduct observation that day is simply because our leader don't want to observe and also we are not complete because Mr. Arit was absent.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


My group mates decided not to observed this week because of some circumstances.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

-->gOoD FriEnD'

-'you will never be good enough for everybody... but this is for sure... you are the best for someone who really appreciates you.